Teacher's Long Weekend Goes Bust in Drug Sting 


While many high school teachers use Memorial Day Weekend to grade those final papers and tests to close out the school year, one teacher from Santa Clarita County in California used the long weekend to possibly close out his career. He was busted for allegedly providing drugs to an undercover deputy in a Ventura motel room.

Ashraf Boulos Hindi, a 29-year-old math teacher in the William S. Hart School District in Santa Clarita, had been corresponding with a female who was supposedly seeking companionship via a Craigslist ad, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Granted, she presented herself as being an adult, but what got Hindi in trouble was the fact that, to further entice her to meet him, he offered to bring cocaine, marijuana and alcohol to the motel, said Ventura County Sgt. John J. Gleason.

All Hindi really brought with him to the motel room was a small amount of pot, police said, but that was enough to get him arrested on suspicion of possession of narcotics and transporting drugs by the deputies who met him at the motel. That also was enough to warrant a search of his house, where deputies later found cocaine

Although it has been confirmed that Hindi was an employee of a high school in the district, there is no word yet on what sort of disciplinary actions will be taken. It's a pretty good bet, however, that he will not be teaching math, or anything else there, come fall.



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