5 Antidotes to Job Burnout 







It’s the last day of 2009 and if you’re not busy chilling the champagne, you just might be one of the many people spending the day dreading going back to work in 2010. That sinking feeling you get when you remember that the massive distraction that is the holiday season is almost over? It’s a sure sign of work burnout. And don’t think just because you’ve only been at this whole career thing for a few years you’re immune from the malady. Even fledgling careerists need to watch out for burnout and have strategies to re-energize their excitement for work.

Thankfully for the afflicted, Tai Goodwin is offering five ways to fight burnout on blog CAREEREALISM, and what better time to tackle your dangerous decline in motivation than at the new year? So what steps does Goodwin recommend?

Get Real: Acknowledge how you are feeling about your work-life…. The more you try to ignore how you really feel, the more anxiety and frustration you will feel about your situation. Get Inspired: Find a book, audio CD, or MP3 �C something that tells someone else��s success story and read it or listen to it. Take Control: Are there too many meetings and tasks on your to-do list? Become a guardian of your time and energy by mastering your schedule. Limit the number of meetings you have a day… Set up a system for managing emails and prioritizing request. Play a Different Role: Are you the team member that organizes everything? Or are you the ad-hoc tech support person for your team?…. Taking on a specific role within your team may have boxed you in. Whatever hat you normally wear �C- take it off. Changing how you engage can change how you feel about your work and your colleagues. Make a Plan: It can be really hard to stay motivated if you can��t see a light at the end of the tunnel…. Start putting together a plan for how you are going to escape or move into another role. It could mean going back to school, updating your resume for a lateral move within your company, expanding your professional network.

Personally, I’m a little unsure if the second suggestion to listen to others’ success stories would be particularly motivational for me. It makes more sense to focus on what drives you and makes you feel energized, but otherwise Goodwin’s list seems sensible. Would you add anything to it?





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