America's Biggest Concern Right Now 




Sure, U.S. unemployment is abysmal right now, but the problem of high gas prices ranks along with it, doesn't it? After all, there are more people filling their tanks than looking for work.

While it's true that there may be more drivers out there than job seekers, there's not one person in the entire country who doesn't at least know someone who has been severely affected by the current jobs shortage. That might be why a recent poll shows that "too many Americans still unemployed" is the top economic concern right now.

The latest Job Creators Alliance Poll found that more than half (52 percent) of those surveyed cite the unemployment situation as the country's biggest problem compared to 37 percent who felt the same way in the May poll. Concern about fuel prices fell, with one in five respondents citing it as their top economic worry in the current poll, while in May, 38 percent felt that gas prices were of major concern.






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