T.G.I. Friday's Server Gets 6 Days in Jail for Courtroom 'Gesture' [Video] 







Anyone who's ever spent time in court knows what a sometimes long, boring and frustrating experiencing it can be -- and that's never been so true as in the Casey Anthony murder trial, which has been ongoing in an Orlando, Fla., courtroom since May 9 and is now on indefinite recess.

Apparently one member of the courtroom audience sitting in on the trial Thursday had reached his limit and raised his middle finger as a form of contempt aimed at prosecutor Jeffrey Ashton.


But Chief Judge Belvin Perry wasn't amused by the gesture, and had the young man immediately handcuffed for criminal contempt.

And in this instance, at least, justice was swift.

Perry sentenced the 28-year-old T.G.I. Friday's food server, who identified himself as Matthew Bartlett, to six days in Orange County Jail and fined him $400 in fines and $223 in court costs.

When asked if he wanted to appeal the judge's decision, an apologetic Bartlett said, "Yes," CBS12.com reported.

A public defender was appointed to defend Bartlett, who said he has $12 in savings and makes about $15,000 annually in wages as a server at T.G.I. Fridays at a mall in Orlando. Whether he'll have a job to return to after the ordeal is over remains to be seen.

Watch below:








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