Businesses Replace Unethical Cash Incentives With Corporate Orgies 




Prostitution may have been legalized in Germany in 2001, but it's still relatively verboten to mention it's being used. Still, high-powered German businesses seem to have found a way to use orgy-like sex parties as business incentives -- when used the right way, they're a tie that definitely binds.

At certain levels and points in negotiations, workers and customers can "no longer be rewarded with money," an industry insider told Spiegel Online International. That's when the company-sponsored "recreational perks," come into play. Cash is recorded in accounting books, but super secret parties? They appear to come out of the regular entertainment budget. And they're not for every worker.

"In decades of personal experience with, for example, the automobile industry, I've never seen workers, technicians or engineers rewarded with incentives or events," Mechthild Eickel, who works for "Madonna," a German sex worker educational association, told Spiegel Online International. "Instead it was the buyers, sellers, press, salesmen or trade partners."

In other words, German companies sometimes use sex incentives to cement advantageous relationships with individuals or businesses which have a lot to lose if details of these perks are revealed.

It's not the companies themselves that confess to using sexual incentives, of course. It's the sex workers and party organizers, although they never divulge the names of their patrons -- that wouldn't be good for business. But the fact that there are some 400,000 prostitutes in Germany, and that corporate prostitution party organizers like Mannheimer International exist, tells you that someone has to be availing themselves of their services, although you'd be hard pressed to get anyone to admit it.

It seems that what happens in a German brothel stays in a German brothel, giving a whole new definition to the term 'corporate perks.'





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