Never Go To a Job Fair Without a Mission - Accounting jobs |
A job fair is not a waste of time. You are on a mission. A job fair must be worked properly. Here's how. Rule Number One: Your job is not to interview with the nearest and newest HR staff person who got stuck with this assignment for the day. Rule Number Two: Your job is to get the name of their boss, boss's boss or the name of the hiring authority in the department where you want to work. Job offers are rarely made at this location; information is the key. Job fairs provide an excellent forum for candidates and companies to meet and size up each other. You can gain an understanding about the structure of the companies and how to contact the real decision-makers. Grab a business card from each company that interests you. What an opportunity for contact information! Here are some effective job fair strategies: PRE-REGISTER WRITE down your goals before you attend GOALS STUDY your resources before you go PREPARE your personal presentation before you go EQUIP yourself with supplies. PREPARE for your FIRST IMPRESSION PREPARE for your NEXT IMPRESSION TAG:Accounting jobs | Banking jobs | Marketing jobs | Sales jobs | Secretarial jobs | Accountant | Assistant Accountant | Financial Analyst | Finance jobs | Market Research jobs | Marketing Manager | marketing assistant | marketing executive | Sales Representative | Sales Executive | Business Development jobs | Sales Manager | Office Manager | Personal Assistant | Executive Assistant | Customer Service jobs | Receptionist | Secretary | cover letter | resume | interview tips | interview questions | salary | recruitment agency | Jobs |
- Nov 02 Wed 2011 17:54
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