Now Hiring: Set Your Sights on Daily Deal Jobs 




Who cares whether it's a bubble or a blip? Daily deal websites like Groupon and Living Social, and their flash-sale sisters like Thrillist and Ideeli are the hottest things online right now, growing faster than kudzu and hiring at a dizzying pace. There are hundreds of openings at these sites' headquarters, and they're not all for engineers and code writers. Why not check them out and see if there's something there for you?

"Daily deals sites are expected to generate a whopping $2.7 billion in revenue this year, and new flash sales are popping up like daisies (recently both Facebook and Amazon entered the ring). So it should come as no surprise that these companies are hiring like crazy too," says Susannah Edelbaum, in her Taming the Web blog on The High Low.

Edelbaum came up with the following facts about the feverish pace of hiring for flash sales and daily deals sites:

Groupon is currently adding employees to its U.S. operation at a rate of 150 per month.Groupon now has to hold new-employee training in a church basement since there's no more space at the company's Chicago headquarters.In order to keep track of those 7,000 employees, Groupon hired a high-school yearbook publisher to put together an employee lookbook.Flash-sale site Ideeli supposedly has so much new electronic equipment in its lower Manhattan office that its power goes out once a day.LivingSocial's Washington office ran out of room in two months, so some employees' desks are in the hallway.Deals site Thrillist Rewards is hiring for a dozen positions. They're even recruiting for a recruiter.

You might wonder if these businesses are growing so quickly, might they be in for a hard fall?

"Since the user bases seem to be growing right along with the staffs, we'd venture to say the key players aren't going anywhere," says Edelbaum. "It's hard to put the toothpaste back in the tube, and now that consumers are used to being flooded with cut-rate options for pretty much everything, there seems to be ample use for all those new hires with hallway desks.

You could do worse than to check out the "jobs" page of your favorite daily deal site. In addition to those half-price yoga classes, you just might find a way to pay for them.





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