
How To Write A Business Proposal That Sells B2B - Marketing Coordinators

Many of my small business marketing clients want to know how to prepare a winning business proposal - especially a BIG BUSINESS proposal - one that is going to win a contract with Corporate Clients!

My whole philosophy of being a Client Magnet is all about attracting clients - so they call you. So you don't have to do all the time-consuming client chasing. My philosophy is to eliminate cold-calling scripts and have the client pick up the phone and say "will you partner with me"... BUT there will be times when you need to submit a proposal. Especially when you're dealing with Corporate Clients.

You can access many of my successful proposal samples and effective example proposals. They are the very proposals that have worked for me to secure corporate contracts with organizations like Aviva, Sony and AIG. But firstly, let me share a few of my top marketing tips to remember when you are preparing your corporate client business proposal.

Consider this your business proposal sample guideline:

1. Your sales business proposal needs to be a selling document

Make sure you're not relying on a skimpy one page document with a price and overview as a sales proposal, you should be offering much more than that. The proposal needs to be a selling document that takes someone through the whole process and establishes you as the logical choice to assist them with a particular problem or issue.

2. Build Relationships Within The Corporate Organization BEFORE submitting your proposal

Take EVERY opportunity to build relationships with people within the corporate organization before submitting your business proposal. I suggest you make a visit to the organization to... observe people at work, meet people informally or conduct interviews. That's your opportunity to start winning friends. You'll also get a feel for the internal politics of the organization.

Another benefit of this contact is that it is going to give you an idea of concerns and issues within the organization and you will have the opportunity to address within the proposal. That's a good way to avoid delays and stalls while your business proposal makes its rounds.

3. Anticipate the type of questions your corporate client will ask AND address the questions in your proposal

After you've done your organizational research it's time to put yourself in your client's shoes. Make a list of questions your prospect is likely to ask you. Then, as you prepare your proposal - business to business, include an answer to all the questions and objections that may come up. Be sure to make a good offense in your proposal - it will certainly avoid you having the difficult task of defending your business proposal as it's making its way through the corporate hierarchy.

4. Avoid complacency - You Want Your Business Proposal To Reach The Decision Makers

Even if you have a wonderful contact within a corporate organization and they seem ready to hire you, there's more than one person in the larger companies that make the decision. Make sure your proposal doesn't rest on the laurels of your cozy contact relationship. Use your proposal to sell yourself to every single person within the organization.

5. Don't promote big change

Now I know that sounds odd, but what frightens clients is the very product that you are offering, and that's change. Who wouldn't want the change your service is offering, improved customer relations or increased sales?

I've done a lot of research in the psychological outlook of managers at both the senior and middle level, and one thing that really stands out is how fearful they are of change. So how do you get past this Catch 22? Avoid using words that signal a big change on the horizon, words such as transformation or dramatic results. Use more moderate terminology to show how your product will fit seamlessly within their organization.

How To Access Business Proposal Samples, Templates and Examples - That Work In Real Life!

So now I've covered a few basics, I really recommend that you look at some real life business proposal samples. I've gone through my files and collated all my winning sales proposals to give you real life example business proposals that can be modified to suit your own business. They are all included in my Attracting Corporate Clients system. In addition to the business proposal examples, you'll access to templates and loads of other important tips to help you win more business to business! I've put together not only specific tips, such as ways to bind your business proposal to improve your response rate, you'll discover the best methods to submit your business proposal to your prospective corporate client.

Take a look and you'll see exactly what it takes to write a winning business proposal that makes selling b2b easy!

Bernadette Doyle offers a free online small business marketing resource where you can learn how to WIN lucrative contracts and turn your small business into a Corporate Client magnet!

Access free marketing tips here:

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