Online Reviews: Which Make Consumers Buy? 




Some 37% of women say an online review is their most powerful influence in deciding whether or not to make a purchase online, according to a 2009 survey by Harrison Group. (That’s second only to their spouse or significant other). But most online reviews languish-it’s those designated “most helpful” that actually get read.

So what makes a review stand out from the crowd and win a “helpful” rating? Barbara Bickart, of Boston University School of Management, asked 42 students to read at least 10 online reviews about automobiles and about books, and then to choose those that were most and least helpful. Her findings provide food for thought for anyone looking to become a popular reviewer on an ecommerce site-or for those just looking to get the word out about the great (or awful) book they just read.

Moderate length. Shoppers need enough info to make them feel like they’re making an informed decision, but too much information makes the review difficult to absorb and makes the reviewer seem less competent. Positive product statements. Bickart’s research suggests online shoppers are looking to buy things, not to eliminate choices. So reviews that say positive things about products are deemed more helpful than those that are negative. It’s important not to go overboard on the praise, though, or you risk ruining your credibility. Entertainment value. An informal writing style helps. This is consistent with other research that shows that people with a formal style of speech are judged to have high competence and high intelligence, but they don’t seem particularly friendly or accessible. A few personal statements. Personal statements about the reviewer themselves seems to provide needed context for the review and makes the reviewer seem more approachable. Proofreading. Reviews that contained errors of spelling and grammar were judged least helpful.

What types of online reviews do you find helpful? And what motivates you to write one?





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