You Can Learn Sales Scripts Tips and Methods From a Treadmill - Marketing Coordinators


Maybe that sounds strange. How could an inanimate object, like a treadmill, teach you anything? After all the treadmill only does what we tell it to do. Want to run at 6 miles an hour, set it and start running. Want to slow down? Press the down arrow and you get a bit of a breather. It's just a dumb machine; there isn't anything to learn from this machine, right?

Sure at the beginning of the year people are lined up to use it, who cares? Even as the year continues to pass people still want to get on the old treadmill and run for awhile. It just simply does what people are telling them, perceivably making no impact. It sits there quietly and waits as person after person plugs in their weight, sets a time, and runs. There really isn't anything impressive to take note of.

There is a chance that the treadmill is trying to teach us something. It might be trying to reveal to us a few key methods, far beyond weight loss, that we can put into action in our daily lives. When we take a moment to look deeper we have a chance to see how it's simple methods could transform our sales scripts from the mundane to rock star status.

I invite you to consider the following sales scripts tips that the treadmill has been trying to tell you (luckily I was listening for all of us)

    Don't Change Based On Who You Speak With - The trust treadmill doesn't care if you weigh 150 pounds or 250 pounds, it acts the same. It responds to simple inputs and will challenge the most overweight person or the person who feels they are an Olympic athlete. Don't change your conversations based on who is on the phone, stick with scripts that sell, ask your interest piquing questions, and watch your numbers soar. Be like the treadmill and be consistent regardless of who you speak with. Just Keep Going - Want to run for 20 minutes? No problem! 45 minutes? Sure! The treadmill keeps up and so too should you. Sure you might want to put that phone down after a few objections, but dig deep and ask more questions. Have a healthy stack of follow up calls to make? Make those calls like the treadmill runs through new visitors. Seasons Change, Performance Doesn't - It may be busier for the treadmill after the holidays but it doesn't stop working when it comes to April. It keeps the hammer down all year round and so can you. Don't fall into the trap that there are "busy" times and "slow" times. Make your numbers regardless of economy or season.


The treadmill might not have spoken to you lately, but we can all discover a few sales tips from it. By being consistent, sticking with your calls, and pushing through regardless of the time of year you can have the year of sales you truly deserve.

Discover the transformation of sales scripts into interest piquing questions and watch your sales grow. Free 5 day action packed sales and conversion course (yes you can skip ahead) available now -

Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.

His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.


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