You Can Reach Any Goal In 7 Easy Steps - Accounting jobs


There is a difference between people that reach their
goals on a regular basis and those that do not. That
difference is always some variation of the following
seven steps to success.

Whether you are a
student struggling to succeed in school, or a mega-millionaire
figuring out your next big project, the process is the

Become clear about what you want...

Be specific about what your goal is. It is not enough
to say I want to be rich. Instead an attainable goal
would say “I want $100,000”. Don’t say I want a
better house. Say “I want a 4 bedroom brick ranch
on a quarter acre in Tucson”. The clearer you can
be about what you want, the easier it is for you to
get there.

Make it real...

Write down your goal and put it on the bathroom
mirror. A goal not written down is nothing more than
a wish. The act of committing it to writing makes it
real. Keeping it in front of you every day acts like a
nagging friend to hold you accountable for achieving

Paint a target...

Determine when you want your goal to happen.
Then include the date in your goal. None of us ever
do things without a deadline. Think back to when
you were in school. Would you have done your
homework if it was not going to be collected the next
day? Setting target dates motivates us all to do the
things necessary to make our goals come true.

What will it take...

This is where lists are your friend. Make a list of
everything you can think of that you will have to do
to reach your goal. Revisit the list regularly and add
to it as you think of new things. Keep adding to the
list until you reach your goal.

Put some structure into your plan...

Not every item on the list is as important as the
others. Organize your list into the things that are
most important and those that are less important.
Then arrange them in some order that makes sense
to you. Do the first things first. For example, you
can not paint the house until you buy the paint.

Start Now...

Don’t wait for the right time. Taking action is the
most important step in reaching your goals. As you
move toward your goal it will get easier to keep
going. Like rolling a stone across a field, the most
energy is expended in getting it started. Take some
action. Just get moving now.

Be Consistent...

Get in the habit of doing something every day. As
you mark the items off your list, your momentum will
grow. There is something very magical about moving
closer to a goal. So do something every single day
that moves you closer to your goals.

If you begin to take these steps on a regular basis
you will be amazed at how much you accomplish and
how easy it really is to reach any goal.



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